Intuition Courses

Develop your intuition, change your life!
Here’s everything you need to know to do that.

Are You Ready to Unlock Your Intuition?

If you are here, you already know that in order to live the life you imagine or long for, you can’t get there with your thinking, problem-solving mind. When it’s solving problems, it only creates more problems to solve. And, it creates fear and anxiety (to get us to take action), and then creates the defense mechanisms that keep us locked into the problem.

Intuition is not limited by thinking or the mind’s limited functionality. Intuition is limitless. It is imagination. It is wisdom that comes from the highest version of us, from collective wisdom, and from the Source Energy that powers the Universe.

BUT… for most of us, it has become limited, or even completely blocked. Through discouragement, focus on logic and thinking, we have deprioritized it. Some of us have even demonized it.

And this can either be conscious or unconscious. But either way, it’s BLOCKED. All of our access to actual wisdom in the form of vision and next steps, along with certainty, clarity and confidence.

Now there is a way to unblock and unlock it as quickly as you want to. By using the power of the subconscious mind.

  • Clear the beliefs and imprints that made intuition bad or scary.
  • Transform the habit of obsessive thinking
  • Quiet the mind
  • Open the psychic channels
  • Drop into deeper sates of conscious than you have ever imagined!
  •  And start living from the clarity, certainty and unlimited creativity of your intuition

Introducing the first ever courses designed to unlock your intuition by rewiring your subconscious mind.

Are You Ready For A Massive Paradigm Shift?

What Others Are Saying About Intuition + Rewiring The Brain

I'm so happy and grateful for Dyan’s intuition course and for MAP. I don’t know if I would have ever been able to open my third eye and my psychic channels if It wasn’t for MAP. Definitely not this quickly anyway!

I've been very empathic all my life and it was a challenge to say the least. Having a way of turning that off or down when I need is the most amazing gift. I have always had very strong gut feelings when something is off and I also every once and awhile just know things so I now realize my clairsentience and claircognizance channels were open. I have always been very intrigued and drawn to intuition and energy courses but no matter how may courses I took I could not open my clairvoyant or clairaudience channels.

Two weeks into Dyan’s course my third eye is wide open and I'm seeing soooo much!!!! Dyan is an absolute amazing human and teacher and Im so thankful our paths have crossed. Not only does she teach you how to open everything up but the MAP sessions are amazing for eliminating all the fear and then she teaches how to navigate through the information and how to turn it up or down or even off when you want. One of my biggest fears was once I open up my third eye there would be no turning back and I wouldn’t be able to control what came in and it would be scary or overwhelming. Well that’s is not true at all, I just open everything up when I want to do a reading and once Im done I turn it down and I turn everything off when I want to sleep. This course has been absolutely amazing so far and I’m loving every minute of it!!! ❤️
Lisa Demaere
MAP Practitioner
I’m excited to share that I’ve listened to the Quiet the Mind MAP session on a daily basis since you provided it. On the 1st day, I don’t know what was triggered, but it brought up and released emotion within me. After that I felt myself go very deep. On the 5th day, I had this amazing experience of sensing my Soul within me, and then seeing the image of my Soul, which was deep and expansive like the ocean. This has never happened before! Being so close to Her I felt her beauty, her light, her power and her strength!! She is very lively! And She possesses a strong and beautiful energy which I’ve longed to find and to connect to within myself! This was a special moment for me. As I sat with my Soul I began to realize I’m not the body or the mind; and that She has used her strength to help me persevere in environments that have been heavily dominated by the mind and controlling thoughts. Since then, as I listen to the recording I feel the depth of connection with a quiet, peaceful space within myself and I don’t really hear the words of the recording. I love the peace it brings up within me. I know I’m getting more connected to and trusting in my intuition every day! The Intuition training with MAP has moved me forward leaps and bounds!! And its done it so effortlessly! Thank You!!!
Sharon Midkiff
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