Purchase Individual Rewiring Sessions

Become Fearless, Free and On Fire!

Transform your life from the inside out with cutting edge coaching and neuroscience (the MAP Method for rewiring the brain.) Understand what's actually causing the painful patterns, pain and suffering in your life. Gain the tools to transform your pain to inner peace, confidence, love, and joy.


Rewire Your Brain and Raise Your Self Worth and Confidence

This is a powerful, 60-minute rewiring session that can be used for all the ways you feel "not good enough," and to raise your self confidence and self-worth.


Rewire Your Brain For More Joy and Happiness

This is a powerful, 60-minute rewiring session that can be used for all the old messages that it's not safe / right/ okay to be happy, and to expand your capacity for joy and happiness. Repeated use will make you happier than you ever imagined possible!


Rewire Your Brain *For Anything!*

This is a powerful, 60-minute rewiring session that can be used for any memory, emotion, thought or belief.


Cultivating Calm

This mini-course is an introduction to overcoming anxiety and codependency, and becoming fearless, free and on fire!


Attracting The Love You Want

This mini-course includes an opening, centering meditation, a full MAP Rewiring Session to clear blocks to attracting and receiving love. There is also a workbook with questions to guide your reflections and to keep notes.

- Exercise to Assess Your Beliefs
- Release Ritual
- Heart Opening Meditation


Deepening Into Self Love and Acceptance

This mini-course includes an opening, centering meditation, a full MAP Rewiring Session to clear blocks to self-love and self-acceptance and a mind-changing magnetization. There is also a workbook with prompts and questions to guide your reflections and to keep notes.


Deep Self-Soothing with MAP

This mini-course provides a variety of MAP sessions and other methods to self-soothe when big feelings arise. This is intended to be a complement to your ongoing transformation with MAP.

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